Accessible Graphics on the Web

(and beyond)

What does accessibility mean?

How does accessibility work on the web?

Two sides to the story…

Can you be more specific?

WCAG 2: Four Categories

  1. Perceivable
  2. Operable
  3. Understandable
  4. Robust


Users can receive information, regardless of sensory limitations

  1. Text alternatives for image, video, and audio (and text stored within images!)
  2. Captions or other formats for audio, video, and animation (time-based media)
  3. Provide logical structure independent of visual layout
  4. Effectively contrast foreground vs background graphics and audio


Users can interact with content, regardless of input device

  1. All functions keyboard operable
  2. Avoid time-based limitations
  3. Do not create epilipsy seizure triggers (flashing/blinking content)
  4. Provide effective navigation tools


The content & function is easy to understand, regardless of how a user perceives & interacts with it

  1. Clearly identify the language of text, and offer interpretation hints
  2. Avoid sudden/unexpected changes in the content as the user navigates or fills in input
  3. Make the purpose of user input clear, and help users avoid and correct mistakes


Content works in many software/input environments, even after accessibility alterations

  1. Maximize compatibility, ensure optimum fallback, make important information machine-accessible

Can graphics be accessible?

SVG for Accessible Graphics

Current Limitations of SVG Accessibility

Improving Accessible SVG

Using ARIA

Better keyboard navigation

Multi-lingual alternative text

User style overrides

Making Other Graphics Accessible